Was trying to pick a piece to study the other day in the V&A and I was like yawwn I don't want to see another vase or old bit of piping and then bang, a small girl (not much smaller than me) shone through. I drew her, then I threw it away because it was so bad. Anyway, if your into dreams of another world of  glazed children playing with glazed animals then you've come to the right land. 

Simonsson's figures are made out of ceramics, clay and glass with a touch of Gold and Silver, often covered in a thick white glaze making them look like porcelain. His style is has Japanese/Manga characteristics with the big eyes, wacky hairstyles, young girls and the pure sleek modernity of it all. His work questions the role of the child and nature in the modern world.

His more of his work: 

Supporter, 2008

Spitting Girl, 2005
found in the V&A London

If the children could dance, I reckon they'd dance to this...


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