All of lovely mugshots were taken at the turn of the 20th century in New South Wales, Australia. These women were photographed right after their respective charges were levied on them. But fuck glitches get bunnies and all that.

Annie Gunderson, 20 September 1922, Charged with stealing a fur coat. Police records do not indicate whether the fur she is wearing is the stolen item. Blatantly yes. Aged 19.

Dorothy Mort, 18 April 1921, For having an affair with dashing young doctor Claude Tozer. On 21 December 1920 the randy doctor visited her home with the intention of breaking off the relationship. Mort shot him dead before attempting to commit suicide. Aged 32.

Kathleen Ward, 14 May 1925. Convicted for drunkenness, indecent language and theft. She obviously enjoyed thumbing her nose at the authorities, as can be seen in this image where she appears to have deliberately fluttered her eyes in order to ruin the long-exposure photograph.

Esther Eggers, 16 December 1919. malicious injury to property and wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm to a police officer.

This is the most interesting one.

Eugenia Falleni, aka Harry Crawford, 16 August 1928. Convicted of murder. Eugenia Falleni spent most of her life masquerading as a man. In 1913 Falleni married a widow, Annie Birkett, whom she later murdered. 

This is her serparate mugshot as a man. 

When ‘Harry Leon Crawford’, hotel cleaner of Stanmore was arrested and charged with wife murder he was revealed to be in fact Eugeni Falleni, a woman and mother, who had been passing as a man since 1899.  In 1914, as ‘Harry Crawford’, Falleni had married the widow Annie Birkett. Three years later, shortly after she announced to a relative that she had found out ‘something amazing about Harry’, Birkett disappeared.